
Conversations free and frivolous
Yawning at breakfast and chatting to the cushions. Constructive and absurd exchanges eaters with similar or antagonistic views. We move all topics weighty and frivolous, preserving the culture of expression in every situation. We argue and we agree voluntarily or after pogrożeniu finger by the administrator. We talk about Muchacha in the soup, I get a fly in the nose or we're rocking in the clouds. This department forum to which it is necessary to look at least a few times a day.

Diet and corner a big fussy eater
You have a couple of kilos to drop or you're skinny as a pole and dreams you a few extra kilos? Or have passed the operation and you have to give up some products, without denying yourself the pleasure of eating and diversity of food? Here you welcome also all allergy sufferers of lactose intolerance, gluten or protein. please share your experience with others or, write about problems.

If you have more than a few photos to show or want to write a report with the tour or cultural event is the perfect venue for you. Well here they feel galleries cakes, journalists describing the birth and culinary feasts. You should getting photographs of Easter baskets, real and artificial Christmas trees, Christmas Eve tables laden with food and refreshments on the occasion of Children's Day, Grandma, Grandpa and Teacher.

Give back / Change
Thanks WuŻetowej Exchange Classifieds / mention you give in good hands supplementary mixer dough, send a friend or a stranger molds for cakes, vacuum cleaner or st & oacute; wit with six chairs, or will become the owner of the unique type cup without ear to the 1800s.
If you want to replace the napkins to decoupage 'u or give unnecessary item in good condition, kt & oacute; rice is not used in the recesses of your home, it is enough that you post ad, wait for notification and then select a person, kt & oacute; RA want to give away.
Remember that Exchange Classifieds / mention does not serve commercial purposes. Read the rules carefully before you decide to use it.

Greetings and wishes
Perfect place to greet the users with the opportunity to write the first post on the forum or simply register on the Great Żarciu. Here we make name day wishes, birthdays, buy new socks and a thermos. dog, cat and chomiczka. and of course, the birth of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We commend the engagement and zamążpójściami and we wish all the best to celebrate all holidays and the New Year. r nIf someone will come to mind to leave for a time the Great Grub, can to say goodbye to the other foodies at that place.

Health and Beauty
department for women, men, suckling, dogs and everything likes to have a properly sawn claws, mask cucumber applied to the correct part of the body, and vitamin move from the plate directly into the stomach. It is also for those who do not know how many bulbs use to make a syrup for colds and how many percentage tincture most effective in preventing seasonal infections.

Kitchen tips
WuŻetowe silva rerum. Department for advanced, trying his hand at preparing dishes with high-end, and for beginners who have no idea of what makes the dough for pancakes. Here we share our knowledge and cooking tricks. We ask questions, we are waiting for answers and thank you for the advice given.

Parents and Toddlers or chatting
Merry and sad stories, wise counsel and ordinary advice, gulls and smuteczki, and all of the children, grandchildren and lives with berbeciami in the background. Also, for those adults who berbeciami ceased to be a half-century ago. we invite you to chitchat mother, grandmothers, aunts, older sisters, neighbors, fathers, grandparents, uncles, even those who faint at the sight of diapers.

Pranks on the needle and weeding the garden
You do not have to wonder where boast tomatoes the size of pumpkins grown on the plot or whom to tell about the new passion of crocheting. Who sews, paints, cuts, carves, sticks, digging in , pulls and weeding, is welcome in this forum section. Top with photos of their works or specimens that have grown on the windowsill! Here you can exchange links, organize meetings wheels craftsmen and gardeners.

Stories of food
Department of unique and original. For all those who love stories about food, kitchen saga of baking bread and gingerbread, memories, as it once to be. It's a place where the talkers and storytellers will feel at home, initiating discussions or joining already begun. Here we write about books with culinary department and create their own flavors WuŻetową book, which is worth checking back every day.

The idea or problem?
Talks about the Great Żarciu - what we like, what we most lack. Write about your observations, do tell good ideas, and we will try to improve the page. R nIf something does not work as it should, you have problems signing in, loading the contents of the page, you will notice errors, write about it, we will try to help you.

corner just in time for chatting about what runs, years, crawls or swims in the aquarium. We're talking about behavior and upbringing of our pets, their health and beauty. We share stories hilarious and sad. We ask for adoption, a good vet and the best brush to pull the hair out of the carpet. Paste the pictures and portraits of pets.