
Brittle with pudding and fruit

  • Stopień trudności



500 g plain flour
250 g butter
150 g sugar
vanilla sugar 8 g
1 level teaspoon baking powder
2 egg yolks
3 tablespoons cream
pinch of salt

cream with fruit:
Pack of pudding ice cream on 0.5 l of milk
250 ml milk
4 heaped tablespoons of sugar
2 whites
2 medium apples
2 small pears
4 medium kiwi


Flour mixed with the sugars, baking powder and a pinch of salt to chop with a cold fat. Add the egg yolks, cream and as soon as you knead the pastry.
Form a ball and put it in the fridge for one hour.

At that time, przygoptować fruit mass.
Cook the pudding without sugar in 250 ml of milk. Cool it.
Beat down on the rigid foam with 2 egg whites. At the end of the RAM can pulverize the sugar and continue to mix until the foam becomes bright. Add a spoon wystudzony pudding until you get a creamy, fluffy mass.
Fruit Peel and cut them into small particles.

Using 3/4 the amount of chilled dough wylepić medium-sized tortownicę with baking paper or wysmarowaną grease and dusted with breadcrumbs. Broil the underside for 15 minutes in preheated oven.

Evenly spread the fruit, spread the weight of the protein-budyniową. On top of the grate the rest of the dough. You can also batch received a Christmas look to cut any shape cookies and stack them on the bydyniu. Bake ok. 40 min until in 180 degrees.

Baked cake sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve warm or chilled.

To the weight you can use a variety of seasonal fruits, depending on your preference. Great taste also apples with banana and kiwi, which breaks the tight sweet taste of banana.

Other equally tasty version of this cake is more brittle, harder bottom and the weight of prepared exclusively with puddings, cooked in 3/4 of milk without beaten whites.

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