
Easter bunnies

  • Stopień trudności

    Średnio trudny
  • Czas wykonania

  • Ilość porcji

    16 porcji


500 g of flour,
21 g fresh yeast,
300 ml milk
100 g of sugar,
50 g butter,
a pinch of salt.

In addition:
1 egg yolk,
paper for sheet metal,
flour for rolling.,
almonds cut in bars.


Sift flour, in the middle do recess. Yeast infection crushed, combined with 4 tablespoons of milk, sugar and Spoon into the summer a little flour. Do leaven. cover with cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes in a warm place to ferment.
Fully grown leaven to connect with the rest of the ingredients: sugar, butter and a pinch of salt. Pour the rest of the milk. Knead dough 20 minutes and cover with a cloth and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.
After the dough again knead and divide into 16 pieces. Each form a ball, slightly flatten it. Each wheat flat cakes cut with a knife and form the head of the doeos along with the ears. Bunnies put on a baking sheet lined with paper at a certain distance from each other. Adjust the temperature to 175 ° c.
Egg yolk with a little milk, brush rolls. In the pyszczki of the doeos stick after 3 raisins intended to imitate eyes and nose pads. Below the noses of insert 2 almond bars-cloves bunnies. Baking tray insert into the hot oven. 15 min. Baked Bunny przestudzić and put in your shopping cart. To make the dough, you can add chopped almonds, raisins, orange peel.

The cakes do not add eggs.

My bunnies resemble rather Pokemon, because I have no talent.
Cloves did with almond flakes because almonds ate earlier husband.

The recipe comes from "Wielka Księga Ciast".

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