
Angel Wings II

  • Stopień trudności

    Średnio trudny


50 grams of wheat flour,
3 dkg butter
6 egg yolks,
3 tablespoons of sour cream,
1 tablespoon of alcohol or vinegar,
50 grams of lard for frying,
15 grams of icing sugar for sprinkling,
1 Pack vanilla sugar (8-16 g)


Ucierać butter with sugar, thrusting successively one egg yolk. To add the weight of pounded sieved flour, cream, alcohol or vinegar. All the ingredients to mix thoroughly. Cake on a pastry Board and knead by hand. Then debating thin batch and cut with a knife or shovel belts width 3 cm. Seat belts cut in diagonal cuts with a length of 15 cm. In the middle of each piece to make a longitudinal incision (4-5 cm), which translate into one end of the dough. Fry in hot fat in a flat dish. Rolls over them very gently with two forks. Dinner tonight should have a golden color. After Broiling, remove them to a platter lined with tissue in order to osączenia of fat. When ociekną, on a glass dish or on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with vanilla sugar.

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