
Cauliflower soup-dill

  • Stopień trudności

    Bardzo łatwy


  • 1/3 of the cauliflower;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley;
  • a piece of celery;
  • piece of time;
  • dill, fresh or frozen;
  • broth or water with 1-2 broth cubes;
  • spices (salt, pepper, or vegetables or maggi);
  • a teaspoon of butter;
  • tablespoon flour;
  • sweet cream or unsweetened milk to coffee


Carrots, parsley and celery grate grated with thick meshed, cut into rings. Vegetables into the Pan, add the butter, pour 2 cups of water and cover. Simmer on low heat ok. 10 mins then add sliced into particles of cauliflower and make up with water (a little more than you want soup) cook until cauliflower is tender. Add broth, salt. Potatoes cut into medium size cubes and toss to soup 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Pulverize chopped dill and season to taste.

The flour and stir in a small amount of water (half a cup) and pour slowly into the soup, stirring constantly, to get the right density. At the end of the can be bottled once a sour cream or cream-this never?.

Given proportions apply to medium-sized vegetables.

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