
Cucumbers with garlic - winter salad

  • Stopień trudności

    Bardzo łatwy


4 kg of peeled from the skin of assorted groundwater
6 cloves of garlic (crushed by przeciśniętego)
1 cup sugar
1 a partial Cup of vinegar 10% (180 ml)
1 cup oil (200 ml)
3 tablespoons salt


Ogóreczki are pride, when I ate it for the first time, wrąbałam 0.6 liter jar mother-in-law. Until I was stupid ...

Cucumbers, cut into thin slices. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Let stand for 1-2 hours. Put into scalded jars and making 10-15 minutes.
With this amount of cucumber leaves 10 0.5 litre jars.

Notes: the salad can be done also on the vinegar or pour less vinegar 10%, if someone does not like too acidic.

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