
My dad's chinese also called quinine

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2 chicken fillets (about 40 grams)
2 onions
2 larger carrots
1 red bell pepper
25 grams of mushrooms
1 bunch chives (better thick)
2-3 cloves of garlic
ready to spice up dishes of Chinese or spices: ginger, chilli, black pepper, sweet peppers
Curry (necessarily!)
salt, pepper
soy sauce
a little bit of lemon juice
potato flour


Getting started:
Wash the meat, cut into small cubes. Put in pot with lid, add soy sauce (about 2 tablespoons) and a tiny bit of lemon juice. Mix, let stand under cover to the fridge and get on with preparing vegetables.

Washed and peeled vegetables cut into: garlic mash or chop them finely, onions cut into feathers, carrots in the "matches", peppers in ćwierćplasterki, mushrooms in półplasterki, coarsely chop the chives.

The preparation, part of the correct one:
Meat short Brown it in oil. At the end of the frying serve the spices, for example. to the pot. Awhile to overcook the garlic and add to the meat.
FRY all the vegetables separately in high temperature and add to the pot with the meat. Vegetables should be crisp.

At the end of the gravy:
Stir 3 level tbsp flour ziemnaczanej in two glasses of cold water. Add 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, mix and pour into pan. Cook for a minute since the appearance in August. Add to the pan with beef and vegetables, mix thoroughly. Doprawiać to taste the herbs, salt, pepper, or soy sauce.
Serve with rice (possibly with rice noodles).

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