
My mom's lemon chocolate cheesecake

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    24 porcji


-1.5 kg of cottage cheese minced three times
-7-8 eggs (large)
-60 g cream pudding (not more than 1.5)
-1 lemon flavour
-zest of 1 lemon
-200 g of butter (not margarine or butter mix with oil)
-ok. 250 g sugar
-100 g of raisins
-100 g of orange peel
-100 g of semi-sweet chocolate
-fat and bread crumbs to form

... so it looks like out of the stove, before polaniem it chocolate ...


1. mix egg yolks with sugar in mixer. Add pudding powder, butter, cheese, the smell of lemon, a peel, raisins and orange peel. Mix well. Instead of lemon peel you can add skins still a smell of lemon.
2. heat up the stove. Lubricate the mould with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs.
3. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt to stiff. Add to the rest of the ingredients and mix gently with a spoon-do not mix.
4. the weight of the cheese into molds and bake in temp. 180 degrees of ok. 1.5 hours. That cheesecake is not settled and broiled equally (without the "bacon") it is to bake it in a water bath IE. clip with a cheesecake to insert more sheets filled with up to approx. half of the water.
5. Dissolve chocolate (with a little butter, milk or sweet cream) and spread it on the przestudzonym serniku. After the ok. 40 minutes after removal from oven.

The Cheesecake is really wonderful! I always use triple-cheese minced, but may also possibly be a regular fat, white cheese (then you have to grind it well). Egg yolks, sugar and the rest of the ingredients mix mixer. You must not only mix the cheese with the foam slaughtered. Foam should not long stand in a bowl-you need it quickly, but gently mix with the cheese and immediately insert into the stove. I bake it ok. 1.5 hours, but it depends on the oven-cheesecake is good, if zezłoci-is neither white nor tight Brown (as pictured). Bon appétit!

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